Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thunderstorms Mood Board

Mood Board Part I: Research

1. Dark clouds, bright strikes of light, quiet area, abandoned area.
Definition: Thunderstorms are strong storms that bring darkness and heavy pouring rain.

Thunderstorms may refer to:

Dark clouds
Quiet before the storm
Pouring rain
Hard winds

Mood Board Part II: Visual




Mood Board Part III: Color Board

Mood Board Part IV: Execution

1. Places: I will visit downtown Philadelphia near Penn's Landing and Center City. I will also visit the woods down the street from my house. There's a bridge, some walking paths, and various trees.

2. Textures: I will wait for it to rain and take pictures of puddles in the grass on campus and random puddles in the parking lot. I will also go to the park to take pictures of stormy clouds and more puddles. Hopefully, I will find some wet logs, if not then I will use logs from one of my other photos and make it look wet.

3. Objects: I will take pictures of umbrellas in the air, wet swings at the park, people playing in the rain with balls, and dirty rain boots. If it does not rain, I will attempt to make it happen somehow. I will combine it all together in my pictures to make it look like people are playing.

Mood Board Part V: Bringing it together

I want to combine some dark stormy clouds with a woodsy area as well as an area downtown in Philly or center city. The museum will probably be the area I use. I want to also take pictures of quiet looking neighborhoods to give it a quiet before the storm. I may add in some flying objects to give the picture a strong windy look. Hopefully it rains, so I can take pictures of the rain as well to add into my picture(s).