Wednesday, April 3, 2013

America Mood Board

Mood Board Part I: Research

1. Homeless people, diversity, American flag, busy city, American dream.
Definition: America is a where everyone is supposed to be equal and should be working towards the same goal: "The American Dream."

American flag
Downtown area of a city
Homeless people
"Melting pot"
Working people

Mood Board Part II: Visual




Mood Board Part III: Color Board

Mood Board Part IV: Execution

1. Places: I will go to Philadelphia and take pictures of the downtown area, love park, and the train stop.

2. Textures: I will take pictures of trash, flags, money, and army fatigue clothes. I will use the flag texture as a layout for the ground. I may also use trash for the ground texture for another photo. I will use money as leaves on a tree. The army fatigue will be someones clothing and possibly a building.

3. Objects/People: For this section of pictures, I will use my friends as homeless people and may even use actual homeless people. I will have my friends make their own funny signs to hold up.

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